
Ultimate Yoga Warm-up Sun Salutation A Suryanamaskar For Beginners

2014-03-27 1 Dailymotion

You warm up before lifting weights, doing full-on cardio, engaging in a Spin class, P90xing, Zumbaing or before ANY exercise program, right? You do this so that your muscles have blood flowing through them, they're slowly engaged and the body and mind get prepped to receive the full benefit of the next set of exercises.

Did you know that it's important to warm-up your body before holding yoga poses for these very reasons? One of the best, all-around, full-body warm-ups is Sun Salutation A. When done properly, this sequence engages your core, thighs, hamstrings, hip-flexors, rotator cuffs, neck, spine muscles, glutes, triceps, calves, ankles, toes, arches....and more. Basically every single muscle in your body gets worked, made more pliable and ready to hold deeper poses!

In this video, I walk you step-by-step through each pose in this sequence; offering modifications for 1/2 push up and backbends. Then we flow through it a few times to get the heart rate up and blood flowing. You can use this as your pre-yoga warm up, your good morning wake-up, your "I need a study break/work break/ baby break/ break" relaxer!

Lori Steele is the creator of Electroga: The electrified yoga workout. Taking a fresh spin on classic yoga by combining electro-pop music, 1980s fashion elements and a hip shaking, body rockin' workout!

Get in-the-mix with Lori's blogs on Yoga, Music, Fashion & Inspiration and become a part of the Electroga community at Electroga.com!! http://www.electroga.com

Music by Backnbloom

Awesome wardrobe provided by: Electric Yoga, www.ElectricYoga.com

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