
Cafferty: Are Checks and Balances Making

2007-03-16 138 Dailymotion

With all these scandals piling up (Walter Reed, prosecutor purge, Libby conviction, FBI's NSLs abuses, etc.) Jack wonders if the antiquated notion of "checks and balances" (remember that?!) is making a comeback.
"What you have here is a White House that has become an accountability free zone that is now facing the reality of checks and balances from Congress. For six years President Bush got pretty much whatever he wanted from a Republican-controlled rubber stamp Congress that refused to exercise any oversight of the Executive branch of government. Well, mercifully, that party appears to be over."
I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Democratic Congressional takeover was the best thing that could have happened to this country. The rubber-stamp GOP'ers would have buried every single one of these scandals and taken the administration at their word. At least we now have committe chairmen committed to the rule of law and exposing the truth.
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