Go without food my children,go without food! And pray too with faith,Alon" /> Go without food my children,go without food! And pray too with faith,Alon"/>

INRI,PAX" Thy Throne,o God,is Forever and ever;...O God,thy God,hath Anointed!"Genesis12-25;Exodus1-15"SalvatoreCali

2014-03-06 82 Dailymotion

Here We are in Lent:
Go without food my children,go without food! And pray too with faith,Alone In The Forest!!!
Here I am!!:The Beast will bentthe knee...(Mt24-28;Jn6;Ga3-4;Mark8-15;Acts2-4;Philemon;Luke15;Philippians;Hebrews1-2) Salvatore Cali To God Alone!...
Here: "JESUS is able even to subdue All Things unto Himself...And Accomplish The Salvation!!!"

8.INRI,PAX"Ô JESUS!:God Saviour..You are the God of Israel,and my Servant!"Isaiah40-66;John1-12"S.Cali
INRI:See that The Lord is Good! But the cowards,won't inherit Heaven's Kingdom!!(James) "Our Father Who Art In Heaven..." To God Alone,our Saviour,by Jésus-Christ our Lord!... Amen! Amen! Salvatore Cali (1Corinthians1-16;John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)

7.INRI,PAX "I am he that liveth! And was dead. And,behold, I am Alive for Evermore!!!"(Apocalypse1)S.Cali
PAX VOBIS!!!: "Oh! Go JESUS, Go... Don't Think too Much!... VADE RETRO SATAN!!"
Here I Am!:I Am Alive!!!(John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)To God Alone!...SalvatoreCali

6.INRI,PAX"The obedience of Isaac,is a picture of the Lamb Slain"JESUS";By The Rigtht of Abraham!"Psalms"S.Cali
Here is:The obedience of the Lamb,who had their throats cut,"JESUS",through the Mystery of Resurrection...This is"The Way",the springboard at the Glorious Resurrection,on The Glorious Cross of our Lord and Saviour Jésus-Christ. Amen!(Genesis22;Revelation5;Mark12-15;1Cor13-16) Salvatore Cali (John13-17;Mt15-20;Apocalypse1-12;Daniel­10-12)To God Alone!...

5.INRI,PAX"Simon,Son of Jonas,Lovest thou me more than these?"Here I am:Follow thou me!"John20-21;1Cor15-16"SalvatoreCali
INRI:Jesus fell at the mont Golgotha! But; "JESUS Is JESUS":He Got Up!...Here I Am:I Am Alive!!!(John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)To God Alone!...SalvatoreCali

4.INRI,PAX"He Who Believeth In Me,Will Never See Death! I Am The Resurrection And The Life!"SalvatoreCali
INRI:Only The Elected,And Winners,Can,And Should Face The Cross,Defeat And Destroy Death!!!
"PHILIPPIANS"(John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)To God Alone!...SalvatoreCali
Here! Here!:No One Confront"THE CROSS OR GOLIATH"Without Acquiring The Bravery:Alone In The Forest!!!"LUKE1-4;Philippians"(John13-17­;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)To God Alone!...SalvatoreCali

3.INRI,PAX" WINNERS OF THE CROSS;You Will Make Things Bigger Than Me!"EPHESIANS"SalvatoreCali
Brothers,Here is:Only One Is Died For All;And So All Are Died For Only One!"GALATIANS"(John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)To God Alone!... Salvatore Cali

2.INRI,PAX"The Work of The CROSS,is an Act of Love and faith,who can change The Universe!"JOB"SalvatoreCali
Jesus!"You must Born by Your Fate!..."(John13-17;Mt15-20;Ap1-12;Daniel10-12)SalvatoreCali To God Alone!...

1.INRI,PAX "and You will be my Witnesses!..."(Acts1-4) To God Alone! SalvatoreCali
INRI:If you don't act now,you home...,you Brother will die!!! (2Peter)
Then said I,Lo,I come to do Thy Will, Ô God! (Hebrews) Amen! S.Cali