
How to Install Windows 98 (Upgrade Windows 95)

2014-02-15 3 Dailymotion

How to Install Windows 98 (Upgrade Windows 95).
This to upgrade Windows 95 for Windows 98 with VirtualBox on Virtual PC.

1. Install Windows 98
2. Windows 98 problem install Press OK
Press Start on Shutdown on Restart Windows 95
3. Starting Windows 98
4. Start Install Windows 98 CD
5. Press OK on Press Exit
6. Run setup /is
7. Windows 98 problem install Press OK
8. Windows XP disk on Detete Windows XP
9. Start Install Windows 98 CD
10. Run setup /is
11. Press Yes
12. Settings Windows 98.
13. Reboot Windows 98.
14. Press boot
15. Starting Windows 98.
16. Games and Programs Start Menu
17. Install Start Menu
18. Restart Windows 98.
19. Starting Windows 98.
20. Booting Windows 98.
The End!