
Cheap LeapFrog LeapReader Interactive Talking Words Factory Flash Cards (works with Tag)

2014-01-26 18 Dailymotion

Cheap LeapFrog LeapReader Interactive Talking Words Factory Flash Cards (works with Tag)

Turn letters into words that speak with 40 interactive flash cards .
Play five fun games to learn and interact with 400 + audio feedback .
Teaches short vowels , blends simple words and sounds.
Age 4-6 years.
It only works with the tag reading system and LeapReader Reading and Writing System ( sold separately).

Mix and match letters to build more than 100 words with short vowels . Based on the award-winning Talking Words Factory DVD ! Use the tag # 1 selling reading system to bring this set of flash cards for life! · More than 400 interactive responses and 5 spelling , rhyming games and songs reinforce the construction of the word fun . · This early game flash card reader helps develop basic skills through phonetic let the children actively playing with the sounds of words and to recognize how they come together to create words.