
Speaking Tips: Is Your Speaking Voice Hurting Your Social Life?

2014-01-27 851 Dailymotion

Speaking Tips: Is Your Speaking Voice Hurting Your Social Life?

Don't Let Your Speaking Voice Stand in Your Way

What does your voice sound like? Probably not what you think. If you've ever heard a recording of yourself, you might not even have recognized it. But like it or not, that voice is what everyone else hears.
A voice that's too shrill, or too loud, or too weak can drive people away not allowing them to hear what you have to say.
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use a High Register
To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Through Your Nose

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Loudly

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Softly

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Slowly

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk Too Fast

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk in a Monotone

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Talk at a Strange Pace

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Breathe Incorrectly

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use an Unflattering Accent

To Improve Your Speaking Voice, Don't Use an Inappropriate Tone

Practice Makes Perfect