
Latvians Create Mile-Long Human Chain Delivering Books to Library

2014-01-21 46 Dailymotion

In freezing temperatures, a long string of Latvians gathered and lined up to pass books from one hand in a human chain to the next.

While technology has replaced many things, some people still have a taste for the old fashioned.

Over 14,000 people in Latvia recently proved that by forming an over mile long human chain to pass books along. It was freezing outside, about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, when the long string of Latvians gathered and lined up to pass the books from one hand in the chain to the next.

The event was just one part of the efforts to celebrate ‘Riga as Europe's culture capital for 2014’. The books were being moved from its previous location to a new library a little further down the road that was just recently built.

The long lineup of smiling humans was composed of children, adolescents and elderly residents who were more than happy to participate and bring attention to their city despite the cold.

Together, they were able to pass along about 2,000 books and get them to the new library location. While an additional 4 million printed items and books remain in the old building, motorized trucks will be called in to move them.

2014 will be a big year for Riga with festivals, concerts and performances scheduled for the culture capital festivities.