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Hi guys,
In this tutorial i will be teaching you how to create your own mouselook script. This tutorial is broken up into 5 parts, if you have any problems please contact me on my e-mails above or add me on skype.
This video will show you how to fix a bug that was encountered with some subscribers. The bug is basically with the X and Y Quaternion this video will fix that experience.
Please enjoy
All the content in this video belongs to me an me alone. The gun solider model is free to use and is provided with unity 3d as a learning package. The code is done by me and copied from no one else.
The gun sound is free to use and can be found at :
majority of textures seen in the video can be found at the following site:
Both sites are free and you can use there sounds.
There is also no copyrighted music in this video