
Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft - VideoGameRapBattles vs MCGamingFTW - Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft - The Final Battle (of season 1)

2014-01-14 8 Dailymotion

Hello everyone this is the final battle of the season it's was a great time making these rap and me and ivo love your reactions so we are making this as the season finale we can thank our subscribers the overwhelming amount of support you've given us i hope you like this and wait for MORE RAP BATTLES to come :D
- Mumoxx

Also, this was the season finale, so the next rap battle will be somewhere in June, so that I have time to work on school work, and maybe a music video or something. The Slender videos will continue in this time.

VGRB: VideoGameRapBattles http://www.youtube.com/videogamerapbattles/
MCGFTW: Ivo&Mumoxx http://www.youtube.com/mcgamingftw/
Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft logo made by: http://www.youtube.com/apprenticeunicorn/

We've been inspired by the two awesomest human beings on this planet: NicePeter and EpicLloyd:
Beat made by:
Artist: CoreBass (http://www.youtube.com/corebassofficial/)
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