
Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft - Blaze vs Creeper - Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft #25

2014-01-14 2 Dailymotion

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 25th rap battle! Be prepared for a huge season 1 finale next month! I hope you guys enjoy, make sure to leave a like, and subscribe to both VideoGameRapBattles and us!

Creeper: VideoGameRapBattles http://www.youtube.com/videogamerapbattles/
Blaze: Ivo http://www.youtube.com/mcgamingftw/

We've been inspired by the two awesomest human beings on this planet: NicePeter and EpicLloyd:
Beat made by:
Artist: CoreBass (http://www.youtube.com/corebassofficial/)
Song: Creeper vs Blaze
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