
Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft - Slime vs Magma Cube - Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft #20

2014-01-14 11 Dailymotion

Hello everyone!
This is the 20th rap battle! And a bit of a celebration too! We almost hit 3000 subscribers! :D
If you're wondering why there's no MineCon video yet, don't worry! We're working on it!
See you later!
We have been inspired by two of the best artists found on YouTube, Nice Peter and EpicLloyd!
Nicepeter: http://www.youtube.com/nicepeter/
EpicLloyd: http://www.youtube.com/epiclloyd
ERB: http://www.youtube.com/erb/
Beat: Hard Choir Rap Beat 2012
Artist: Valentine Productions http://www.youtube.com/DoNKiLLuMiNaTi23
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Voices done by: ivohora
Epic Thumbnail by Marcus: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZhYxSGaming