
Classical Guitar Lesson - How to Play Black Star %28Intro%29 by Yngwie Malmsteen

2014-01-13 24 Dailymotion


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In this guitar lesson, our female teacher Alejandra, will teach you the great intro from the song Black star from the great Yngwie Malmsteen. Yngwie, is a famous neoclassical metal guitarists who was born in 1963 in Stockolm, Sweden. He´s known for his neoclassical fast guitar playing and also for his amazing technique. He also was a pionner and changed the world of guitar back in the early 80s.
So, this intro is a cool piece in the style of classical guitar, such as Bach, Vivaldi, etc.
Ok, hope this helps and don´t forget to come up with your own ideas, which is the best advice for starting to find `your´ unique sound and style. That is all for today... Also I suggest that you keep enjoying and learning from Alejandra and all the staff at Guitarcontrol.com! Where? In our free guitar lessons at www.youtube.com/guitarcontrol