
arp auto recruiting platform - beta 1 almost gone

2014-01-09 55 Dailymotion


Auto Recruiting Platform sneak peek inside this sms txt messaging
system that makes money with it’s unique automation strategy.

It has been 3 years in the making and beta 1 is about to move
into beta 2 and it’s exciting to watch the “proof” of the numbers
ring true with a fresh approach to making a living online.

Those who are “blessed” to be beta earners with ARP are
shown in the image below. I’m at the top, framed in red with
all the members of the team who are marked the same.

We started with just a few members and in two weeks reached
over 100 people … now that’s duplication

ARPWe have the BEST Hangout’s that explain how our team is duplicating
so fast and share some of the highlights of ARP and why you want to be
in the beta group… attend Sunday at 10 pm est. Go now to get REPLAY

auto recruiting platform
Why Use Auto Platform Recruiting Cutting Edge Technology?

30 million consumers watch television content via their mobile phone. (Source: Nielson)
9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than 50 percent lead to sales. (Source: SearchEngineLand)
Here’s a golden gem: Mobile perform 4-5x better than online ads for key metrics such as brand favorability, awareness and purchase intent. (Source: Neilson Study, 2012)
70 percent of mobile searches lead to action within one hour. (It takes a full month for the same percentage of desktop users to catch up.) (Source: MobileMarketer.com)
Neilson reported an 89 percent increase in mobile data usage from 2010 to 2011. Cisco is doing them one better: the company predicts an 18x increase from 2011 to 2016 as reported by FierceWireless.com.
The Weather Channel gets 600-700 percent higher click through rates on mobile display ads over desktop banners. (Source: MobileMarketer.com)
There are 6.8 billion people on the planet at present. 4 billion own mobile phones. (But only 3.5 million use a toothbrush. Oy!) Source: 60SecondMarketer.com.
91 percent of adults have their smartphones within arm’s reach. And that was as of 2007. I would wager the sum is closer to 100 percent now. (Source: Morgan Stanley)
These stats came from Forbes.com article.

Bottom line is … sms txt messages open rate is 5 seconds (wow)
98% response rate with sms

Email marketing is dead
Email finds everyone with multiple email addresses
Most emails are NOT opened
Now gmail has filtered them in promotion, social etc

Are your emails getting to your contacts?

ARP has …

1) Best Response List Building
2) Funnels pre-made
3) Traffic (top notch) (oh yes let the experts do this)

AUTOMATION is what people are looking for
because who wants to sit at the computer all day.

We want freedom and this is what ARP has built in

Watch the Auto Recruiting Platform Inside

Join Us Now at ARP

Please comment and “Like” for entrepreneurs everywhere.

Live Your Dreams ! ! ! Auto Recruiting Platform gives you the vehicle