Erudite explanations from Surah Yusuf: Egypt can only attain relief in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (16.12.2013)
23 Ekim 2013 Adnan Oktar Harun Yahya A9 TV Frekans : 12525 / 30000 / Dikey (V)
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Unless the sprit of Hazrat Mahdi (as) prevails, all union are dead, for the system of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the soul that revives the body.
Even if there were no hadiths about Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), we would still realize that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has come because of the 8 hadiths of our Prophet (saas) about the lifespan of the Earth.
The state of the world demonstrates the need for the system of the Mahdi. World will attain salvation with the system of the Mahdi.
Hazrat Yousaf As Story in Urdu | Life of Prophet Yusuf | Qasas ul anbiya | Hazrat Yusuf AS ka Waqia
L’Egypte ne pourra prospérer qu’au temps du Mahdi (16.12.2013)
L’Egypte ne pourra prospérer qu’au temps du Mahdi (16.12.2013)
Our Prophet (saas) said that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear like the appearance of Prophet Joseph (as) (16.12.2013)
Notre Prophète nous a informés que le Mahdi va faire son apparition de même que Jésus fils de Marie va faire son apparition (16.12.2013)
Dans le hadith, nous sommes informés que l’armée du Soufyane ne va pas réussir et ce au moyen du système du Mahdi (16.12.2013)
It is stated that in the hadith the army of the Sufyan will not succeed because of the system of Mahdi (16.12.2013)