
Increased Injuries While Decorating for the Holidays

2013-12-10 42 Dailymotion

According to a recent report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 15,000 Americans ended up in emergency rooms during the 2012 holiday season.

While a holiday episode of America’s funniest home videos may result in laughs, very serious injuries like broken necks and even deaths due to holiday decorating activities can and do occur. According to a recent report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 15,000 Americans ended up in emergency rooms during the 2012 holiday season.

About 250 people were hurt per day while doing things like falling from ladders, leaving candles unattended, not properly picking and caring for real Christmas trees leading to fires, and drinking too much alcohol while decorating.

Falls made up more than 33 percent of injuries, cuts 11 percent, back strains 10 percent, and other miscellaneous ways made up the rest.

In 2009, 12,000 people were hurt. That number’s risen consistently each year since.

Experts say put safety first and don’t take shortcuts. For real Christmas trees, pick a fresh one, place it away from all heat sources, water it well, and ensure all lights and cords are in good condition.

Other recommendations include fire-resistant artificial trees, not using metallic trees and electric lights together, not throwing wrapping paper into the fireplace, using care with fire salts that contain heavy metals, and avoiding items that are heavy, large, breakable, or resemble candy.