
hCG Diet Reviews and Results 1- Body Fat Testing to PROVE Fat Loss on the hCG Diet

2013-12-09 33 Dailymotion

You can buy hCG online for hCG injections or to mix as hCG rx drops here:
My website: http://hcgchica.com
FB: http://www.facebook.com/gohcgdiet
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/hcgchica/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HCGChica
Myfitnesspal: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/hcgchica

Interviews with Everyday People on the hCG Diet:
Interviewee: Sabrina!
FB: Brickhouse_hcg

This is the first in a series of Interviews with Everyday People on the hCG Diet. Sabrina's before and after hCG diet results just from 1 round or 40 days on the hCG Diet are absolutely striking! She lost almost 16 lbs of pure FAT out of 17 lbs total and dropped her body fat percent by 6.1%, while eating only 500 calories a day and taking prescription hCG in the form of a nasal spray. She is currently using hCG injections for her second round of hCG.