
McDonald's Plays Opera to Deter Loitering Teens

2013-11-27 1 Dailymotion

A McDonalds near Syndey, Australia has taken to blasting a range of opera and classical music in its parking lot to keep area teens from hanging out there at night.

A McDonalds near Syndey, Australia has taken to blasting a range of opera and classical music in its parking lot to keep area teens from hanging out there at night.

Franchise management got the idea from a nearby community that played Barry Manilow tunes to clear adolescents out of a city car park.

So far, the Pavarotti and Mozart mix seems to be inspiring the loiterers to go hang out somewhere else.

Said the manager, "We've noticed a reduction in the number of young people hanging around, but we'll have to reassess it properly in a couple of weeks.”

His current tactic is to play the music at regular volume until a mob of high school students begins to form. Once a crowd assembles, workers turn it up a few notches.

One neighbor complained about the sound level on social media, saying that it’s woken her up at 1 am.

Others have commented that they think it’s a nice touch and could even help class up the neighborhood.

A patron who enjoys classical music said he’s more likely to stick around the restaurant a bit longer.