
Straight Talk on MMS with Andreas Kalcker (ENG audio / SK titulky)

2013-11-21 194 Dailymotion

Dokument o MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) z dielne QuaZarium.com.
Viac informacii - www.quazarium.com

A documentary about MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) - made by QuaZarium.com
More information - www.quazarium.com

All rights belong to their respective owners and i'm posting this only for educational / informational / purposes only!!! If you (or your company) feels offended by this video / some of the parts, or you have any other problems with this video, please contact me personally through my channel.. I'm always open to intelligent and rational discussion.. Thank you.
Vsetky prava su vlastnictvom prislusnych majitelov a ja osobne zverejnujem toto video len z dovodu vzdelavania a informovania verejnosti!! Ak mate vy (alebo vasa firma) pocit, ze vas toto video / alebo jeho casti, urazaju, alebo mate s tymto konkretnym videom iny problem, prosim kedykolvek ma kontaktujte priamo cez moj kanal.. Som otvoreny inteligentnej a rozumnej diskusii.. Dakujem.