
Kennedy sex secret: JFK and Jackie joined Mile High Club hours before assassination

2013-11-19 2 Dailymotion

A sexy secret was revealed in advance of the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination. Hours before the horrific incident in Dallas, JFK and former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy found themselves high above the Texas prairie aboard Air Force One. With only a few minutes to spare between themselves during a grueling presidential tour, they ducked into a private vestibule aboard the aircraft and got some "quality time" in together, joining the "Mile High Club" in the process (if they hadn't already).

William Manchester, who was charged with writing a biography about the ill-fated president, found out about the tryst in the clouds when he interviewed Jackie Kennedy. He was ordered not to publish the account however, though he did allude to it in his book Death of a President by saying, "they shared one last hour of serenity together."

Years later he would reveal these details to Philip Nobile, who is known these days for being a New York based social critic and freelance writer but at that time was researching for a book he was going to write about JFK's many "private escapades." Nobile chose to out the information to the New York Post today because of the anniversary, and probably because at this time, all vested parties — JFK, Jackie O and William Manchester, have passed away.


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