
Italian teen jumps from fourth-floor balcony after dad destroys PlayStation

2013-11-16 5 Dailymotion

A 13-year-old boy in Bergamo, Italy jumped off the balcony after his father destroyed his PlayStation on Saturday.

This is the story as we understand it.

Junior spent lots of time playing video games on his PlayStation. We have no idea what he was playing, but he was probably on the thing for hours and hours, as boys and increasingly older men are wont to do.

Dad, or Papa, as they say in Italian, came home one day and found that Junior was messing up at school and bringing in mediocre grades. Papa wasn't too pleased about this and he blamed it on all the time Junior was spending on his PlayStation. (We're not sure if Papa didn't ask himself if Junior needed more adult supervision or possibly a positive male role model, but we hope so.)

Finding it the most reasonable thing to do, Papa destroyed the Sony console. We don't know how that went, but we're hoping an enormous mallet and millions of pieces of ex-PS were involved. Or fire, or a flushing, or maybe a furious defenestration of the object, which would tie in nicely to the next bit.

Junior was greatly upset by the destruction of his beloved PlayStation, and though we're not sure why--maybe he didn't have too many friends, or maybe he spent every cent carefully culled from the cracks between the sofa cushions to buy the thing--he became desperate and saw no option but to end it all.

Junior flung open the balcony door on the fourth floor abode and threw himself onto the asphalt. He fell 10 meters and fractured several bones, but he survived. He is now at the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in a serious condition. No word on how the father is faring.


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