
Carol's Crazy Chinese: Eat Tofu (吃豆腐)

2013-11-13 39 Dailymotion

Want to learn Chinese? Why not start with some simple Mandarin conversations with Carol? You will be able to speak the language in 90 seconds!

This lesson is all about Tofu!
Have you ever eaten tofu? Do you know why tofu plays such an important role in Chinese culinary history? Find out why tofu is so magical with Carol!

Chinese: 吃豆腐 (Chi Dou Fu)
English: Eat Tofu

Man: Waitress, do you have 豆腐? (Waitress, do you have tofu?)
WOMAN: Yes, we do have 豆腐. (Yes, we do have tofu.)
MAN: 我想吃你的豆腐, 因為妳的豆腐很好吃. (I want to eat your tofu, because your tofu is yummy!)

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