
Peaceful Activism Discussion! How to Make an Impact Without Hurting Anyone!

2013-11-04 140 Dailymotion

A peaceful activist, Patriot John Adams, discusses methods to change the world without hurting anyone!

People tend to say, "There is nothing I can do about it." However is that true? Is there something that you can do? Yes. There are good things you can do, and bad things. Doing nothing is usually a bad thing to do, however taking the blame of 1,000,000 people and putting it onto the shoulders of a single person or small group is not a solution either.

Please do not hurt your own military or police! I support the job of police officers, and believe they are a necessary thing. I do also believe the police are currently over-funded and out of control, and that we can use peaceful measures to turn this problem back!

Instead of attacking a government official or officials; try creating a video, painting, have a discussion with a family member from the 'enemy', stock up on survival supplies (silver), etc..