
Lay Your Head by New Day Dawn rock and roll - fashion bands artists Music lyrics songs Music Videos

2013-11-04 2 Dailymotion

Like us : Website :http://goo.gl/0UKznz Tel: (201) 618-2998 or ? http://goo.gl/i9rCKa fashion bands Designed by a Navy veteran - Lay Your Head by New Day Dawn rock and roll fashion bands artists Music lyrics songs a Bio Nation Music Videos
https://www.facebook.com/NewDayDawn New Day Dawn pays homage to their adventures of 2012 with footage from their trip to SXSW as well as from recording this track with Chris Henderson from 3 Doors Down in his studio in Nashville called Rivergate. "Lay Your Head" is off the band's upcoming EP "RISE ABOVE THIS" which drops March 5, 2013.
Dawn Botti- Why I Decided to Work in the Music Industry: Did I decide to work in the music industry? Actually I made a conscious decision NOT to work in the music industry (at least not the label side) after spending some of my first years of practice working on record contracts. Why? For several reasons: First since I was a musician myself and simultaneously pursuing my own music career, I found it personally very difficult to work on other musicians' record deals. Quite frankly, I found that the musicians often had no clue what they were signing themselves up for, and that, even more surprisingly, they didn't care !! It was too
frustrating for me to represent the musician who didn't care (and had the record contract I so desperately wanted) and too distasteful for me to represent the Record Label that knew full well how to exploit the musicians apathy and desperation.
So, I went into the more "civilized" world of TV and Film. "Rock and roll was originally music of the people. It came from a place of rebellion, a place of helping people question the status quo, and helping people question if what everybody else is saying is really the right way to live your life, or if there's another way to live." These are the words of New Day Dawn lead singer and guitarist Dawn Botti, and nobody embodies questioning the status quo, and finding another way to live, quite like her. For years Botti led a double life. She was a Senior Vice President at a major media company by day, and a rock musician by night, performing all over the U.S., including at a number of major music festivals, such as South By Southwest (SXSW), and the Millennium Music Conference. Her double life lasted until June of 2012, when she was confronted http://www.biohazardapparel.com/ http://www.crowdfundingplanning.com http: http://www,crowdfundingplanning.com http://www.crowdFundingSoftLaunch.com http://www.CrowdFundinghardLaunch.com http://www.crowdfundingmentors.com http://www.PromoteMyCrowdFunding.com http://www.crowdfundingbestpractices.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b5-iEnW70k http://www.CrowdfundingeLearning.com http://www.crowdfundingframeworks.com http://http://www.crowdqualifier.com http://www.learningcrowdfunding.com http://www.crowdfundingbay.com http://www.crowdfundingdailynews.com/ http://www.CrowdFundingPsychology.com http://www.CrowdFundingCrowdFunding.com http://www.whatisthecrowdfunding.com/