
Personal Rig Update 2012 Part 16 - Motherboard & Graphics Card Swap Linus Tech Tips

2013-10-31 105 Dailymotion

So my rig has actually been pretty much done for a while, but it hasn't been in a state where I've been really ready to call it "complete". The motherboard was pretty flaky with my RAID card, and my graphics card wasn't modern enough to allow me to use NVIDIA's Game Streaming tech.

There's actually STILL an issue with it that's bugging me, too. The UV LED lights I got from Phobya are terrible. About 50-70% of the LEDs are either dim or not working at all, so my lighting effects are not very good at all. Unfortunately it's just too much work to replace them at this point (almost complete tear-down and re-assembly to get at some of them)

This video doesn't address that issue, but it does show my Kepler (GTX Titan) and motherboard upgrade that gets me to the point where it's at least technically functional and very stable.

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Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat - Check out his channel here: http://youtube.com/adhesivewombat

Outtro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana