
CGR Undertow - MY LITTLE BABY 3D review for Nintendo 3DS

2013-10-30 12 Dailymotion

My Little Baby 3D review. http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com Shop CGR shirts & mugs! http://www.CGRstore.com Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of My Little Baby 3D on the eShop for the Nintendo 3DS developed by Raylight and published by Treva Entertainment. Want to take care of your own little baby, but without the expenses or smells of a real one? Nintendo’s eShop has just the game you’re looking for. My Little Baby 3D is a baby simulator that sort of plays like a human edition of Nintendogs. You create a baby by adjusting the physical traits of two parents, and then the little bugger is born! From there, it’s all about changing diapers, wiping butts, sterilizing bottles and resentfully wondering what happened to your youth. My Little Baby 3D takes place in a house with five areas or rooms, each with different activities for your baby. As your baby grows up, the activities evolve from sitting around and shaking rattles to crawling on all fours. Babies are fascinating creatures. My Little Baby 3D created a bit of buzz on the Internet due to the unintentionally hilarious appearance of its babies, but they still need love. And if you’re looking for virtual babies to love, My Little Baby 3D certainly has some. This video review features video gameplay footage of My Little Baby 3D on the eShop for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.