
Why Should I Color Seal My Tile Grout - Answered By Desert Tile and Grout Care

2013-10-24 41 Dailymotion

A question we often hear at Desert Tile & Grout is, "Why should I color seal my grout? Why not just apply a quality penetrating sealer?" And the answer is for several reasons. Keep in mind, grout is basically just sand and a little cement. It is subject to permanent staining. So, whatever stains didn't come out during the cleaning process, our color seal will cover them up. By the time we are finished, your floor will be 100% uniform in color and tightly sealed. Penetrating sealers are only designed to buy you time to wipe up a spill. When you color seal your grout, there is no reaction time. Color sealed grout is stain resistant.

Desert Tile and Grout Care
2917 E. Park Avenue
Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Office: 480-288-4475
Website: http://www.deserttileandgrout.com