
3 Incredible Skymall-Inspired Inventions

2013-10-11 17 Dailymotion

Patrick Strattner built and photographed the prototypes for several Skymall-inspired inventions as part of his portfolio’s still-life photo series.

Necessity is the mother of invention. So it was with photographer Patrick Strattner who needed to round out his career portfolio, and was inspired by Skymall’s catalog of gadgets galore. After deciding on his inventions, he built and photographed the prototypes that are part of this still-life photo series.

Here are 3 of the best to impress:

Number 3 – “The portable sweaty armpit t-shirt dryer” means you’ll have a relatively quick fix to sweatstains on those hot days. However, carrying this baby around will get you plenty of questionable looks as to your new gig as traveling hair dresser and dry cleaner.

Number 2 – The zippered velcro jacket will make sure your iPhone or pack of gum is always handy. However, thieves can now peel off their plunder instead of pick your pockets. On the plus side, the sound of the velcro detaching acts as a security alarm.

Number 1 – The automatic “full mouth toothbrush” is a handheld unit that looks like a cross between an electric toothbrush and dentures. If you can manage to fit it in your mouth, you’ll not only have a bright smile, but a bigger one too.