
Max Keiser @ The Alex Jones Show 1-Oct-2013

2013-10-02 1 Dailymotion

Government shutdown; Obamacare nightmare begins
Date: 10/01/2013
On the Tuesday, Oct. 1 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines how the government shutdown barely affects most peoples' daily lives, and explains why the widespread healthcare exchange glitches merely precursor the disastrous road ahead. Alex also analyzes how the scorned insurance mandate mirrors the socialist healthcare models of previous tyrannical dictatorships. On today's show, we speak with Stewart Rhodes, the founder and President of Oath Keepers, about what Secretary of State John Kerry's signing of the UN Arms Trade Treaty means for legal, law-abiding gun owners in America, and how Oath Keepers is going "operational" by forming special "civilization preservation" teams. Alex also invites former stockbroker and American broadcaster Max Keiser to break down how the world economy is on track to implode - by design.
