
How to get Perfect Kick Hack UNLIMITED free glu credits on Android (NO ROOT REQUIRED)

2013-09-30 1 Dailymotion

Download link :- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/d627thwaf85vohv/Perfect%20Kick%20Hack%20Tool%20v2.0.zip?token_hash=AAHDbV_ThZm96dd-Ojb8A4lvgYL_PhhRdmCSlTGrF9ftbw&dl=1

- Mix up your shots! Tempting though it is to keep using your killer move on the pitch, you need to spice things up a little – otherwise you're just giving your opponent a heads-up. Of course, if you have a particularly deadly shot then you can always lure them into a trap, but this is a high risk strategy.

- While it is possible to add a curve to your shots, in practice we found that we won more matches by being clever with our positioning, rather than shaping the kick.

In the early days, focus on refining your accuracy and applying the correct power. Once you have this licked you can look into the more advanced techniques.

- To really cause someone a headache online, another shot you might want to think about is the high lob. Kick high and down the center, but apply only a little bit of force.