
Dallas Zoo gives Patrick the gorilla the boot

2013-09-26 6 Dailymotion

Officials at the Dallas Zoo are finally calling it quits and dumping a 430-pound bachelor gorilla after a brief 18-year stint because he failed to get busy with any of the other female gorillas.

Patrick is a 23-year-old Western lowland silverback gorilla. He is known for being very sociable with zoo staff and the public, but the problem is that he is ambivalent towards the female gorillas.

And since he's not making babies with any of these ladies, the Dallas Zoo has decided to give him the old boot.

Patrick will be moved to the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden in Columbia, South Carolina where he'll be given more space to chill and be by himself, according to a statement made Monday by the Dallas Zoo.

"It's become clear that he prefers to live a solitary life," said Dr. Lynn Kramer, head veterinarian at the Dallas Zoo. "This move will allow Patrick to continue to thrive while creating an opportunity for our four remaining males to form a cohesive bachelor group."

Patrick the silverback was born at the Bronx Zoo in New York City in April of 1990, but due to neglect from his mother, he was transferred to the Toronto Zoo where he was hand-raised with another male his own age.

Patrick and the other male gorilla were both moved to the Dallas Zoo at age 5 and were introduced into a small troop of one silverback and two females, before being taken out to form a bachelor group together.

The date for Patrick's official departure has not be announced yet. A two-day going away celebration will be held at the Dallas Zoo on Saturday and Sunday.


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