
Red Envelope by David Sousa and Luis De Matos - Magic Trick

2013-08-30 13 Dailymotion

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
The Red Envelope is David Sousas award-winning silent act. This act inspired a generation of world-class manipulators and champions and led to David being appointed Honorary Professor at the Academy of Magical Arts in South Korea.
In this themed act a red envelope appears transforms and vanishes in the most astonishing manner. These incredible visual effects can be used in any stage act and the ingenious systems applied to develop more astounding productions vanishes and transformations.
Effects include Ball to scarf cane production card to confetti interlock card production card fans to envelope torn restored jumbo card envelope productions and transformations. Learn Davids techniques then apply them to your own act and create your own stunningly visual effects.
English language.
DVD Tutorial (1h35m) Extra Thin Deck of Manipulation Card