
Lost Planet 3 Punisher Pack DLC Pack Codes - Free - Xbox 360 - PS3

2013-08-25 79 Dailymotion

http://www.lostplanet3punisherpack.blogspot.com/ Like the video tutorial says, you can get this Lost Planet 3 Punisher Pack DLC for free on your Xbox 360 or PS3 rightnow. You can visit this Lost Planet 3 Punisher Pack DLC code giveaway web site by following this link:


After you followed this video guide, you are able to unlock and download this Lost Planet 3 Punisher Pack DLC for free. If you need more Information you can leave a comment on our web site. Our team will reply as fast as possible.

Lost Planet 3 Punisher Pack

* Incinerator (Particle Thrower Variant) - This improved version delivers greater range and damage than its predecessor, but with less accuracy and a tendency to overheat rapidly. The particle beam can set targets on fire.
* NEVEC Punisher (Pulse Rifle) - A NEVEC military division pulse rifle that sends out bursts of fire at an extremely fast pace.
* Spit-Fire (Grenade Launcher Variant) - This modified grenade launcher shoots out Fire Wasp “projectiles” instead of grenades as its default ammo type. These also cause splash damage on impact.