
The Video X Games Qualifiers - Week 1

2013-08-23 24 Dailymotion

Let's go to da beach! Cross Counter LIVE is back and will play the host for the latest Video X Games qualifiers. Earlier tonight, the Cross Counter VxG qualifers were held inside the studio and we will be streaming the semi-finals and finals matches! The winner of each tournament will earn a full paid trip to da beach at Video X Games in St. Maarten on July 25-28. --- SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: http://eepurl.com/qYm5b CROSS COUNTER PRODUCTS AND GEAR: http://store.crosscounter.tv THE VIDEO X GAMES in ST. MAARTEN: http://thevideoxgames.com FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER: http://facebook.com/crosscounter http://twitter.com/crosscountertv