
Shell Integrates Sustainability Into The Corporate Bottom Line - CSR Minute for August 15, 2013

2013-08-20 67 Dailymotion

So I think changes that I’ve seen in the sustainability arena, especially in the corporate sustainability arena, are that sustainability has stopped being some sort of exotic kind of adjunct to the business. Increasingly, it’s becoming part of how the business makes decisions, how it decides where to invest in the kinds of policies that it adopts. And I think business leaders increasingly are beginning to understand that the role of business is as far more than just, you know, the quarterly financial returns. It has to do with the impact that the business on society and environment. So I think that change is pretty significant. I won’t say it’s a call to all businesses everywhere, but I think the most forward leaning businesses are starting to recognize that sustainability needs to be incorporated into the decision making process.