
Watermelon Juice Helps in Getting Rid of After-Workout Soreness

2013-08-20 5,821 Dailymotion

Results from a new study suggest that watermelon juice contains an amino acid that goes to work on diminishing post-exercise pains.

Do your muscles get sore after exercising? Next time consider reaching for a glass of watermelon juice to soothe your aching body.

Results from a new study suggest that the juice contains an amino acid that goes to work on diminishing post-exercise pains.

It’s called L-citrulline, and in scientific tests the people who drank it reported feeling relieved of their muscle soreness. Those who were given a placebo said they felt just as crummy as they usually do.

Some study participants were given a glass of natural juice and others juice with additional L-citrulline added.

In both cases, the juice was consumed about an hour before their workouts.

The juice with the added amino acid however, didn’t prove to provide any additional benefit.

Upon further investigation of this particular result, the scientists discovered that the naturally occurring L-citrulline was more quickly and easily used by the body.

They believe that this could explain why both juices worked similarly with the added boost not providing additional relief.