Setting Intentions & Being Clear & Setting Clear Intentions for Cowboy vs Eagles Game
Do you have a clear intention?
Today what I want to share with you is on how to set an clear intention...
For myself I have done this before plenty of times in my day job of the car business. This is exactly how I would start every month that I can trace back when I have made big money selling.
For example back in 2005 a best friend and I decided to go to a Dallas Cowboys vs Philadelphia Eagles football game. My friend Mike Duncan is a die-hard Cowboys fan...
...probably the biggest most dedicated one on planet earth! And I myself am an Eagles fan...
So we decided we would go to watch this game to be played on December 25th. On top of that we were discussing the trip and we realized that this is a once and a lifetime event....
...So we stepped up and decide our clear intention was to have tickets on the 50 yard line and to be on the 3rd row....
We figure if we're gonna do it, go big or go home. Instead of sitting up in nose bleed seats after spending money to fly out and hotels.
...side note I'm writing this blog from the sauna at la fitness just to prove you can blog anywhere....
Back to my story, so after making all these decisions... I decide to do one more thing and that was to bring along two other friends that I wanted to share the experience with...
One of best decisions I ever made, and expensive!
But I'm glad I did because of the friends I brought along is no longer with us!
So now that I have decide on what I wanted, it's time for the how can I make it manifest...
Well what I did is wrote out a clear description of where we would stay, where are seats would be and how what we get there.
As a result we rented a Toyota Camry with four guys and drove from Riverside,CA to Dallas,TX....
21 hours later we arrived in Forth Worth, TX at our hotel, and we were dead tired...
...FML... We were driving forever and I promised I would never drive that distance again, I'm flying next time. :)
How did you physical manifest the money? That's what we want to know...
Well let me explain...
First what I did is I wrote out a statement of my clear intentions.
It was very detailed, it describe the trip.
It describes exactly what I had to do in order to receive the money.
It gave me a definite date of when I had to complete task in order to receive the money.
As a bonus what I did was to committed the statement to memory and repeated it daily in front of a mirror with enthusiasm and visualize the pay check signed with my name on it.
So my results were, I attracted buyers...
This post is dedicated in Loving Memory of Anthony Gomez (R.I.P.) and my father Cedric P Jackson Sr (R.I.P.) who passed away on May 5th 2011