
▶ ▶ Black Ops 2 Zombies AUG 23 2013 Zombies Patch Notes! -

2013-08-17 61 Dailymotion

More info and download link from : http://www.ausupload.com/s/download/25710986/z51592/Black-Ops-2-Zombies-13817.rar.html

Okay, Activision has released the official patch notes. Link at the bottom of this text. It looks like besides what I said in the video, there were multiple zombies patches such as fixing the skin for the upgraded ray gun mark 2 in mob of the dead and also the glitch places with the elevator in Die Rise have also been fixed (finally!). There are a bunch of Buried fixes also which deal with glitch spots and other bugs. In multiplayer, they Nerfed the DSR and Ballista Snipers and also made some bug fixes. There is also "improved stability" when taking a screenshot for those of you who had a problem with that. Sorry I couldnt find this when I made the video! Thanks for reading!