
Wordpress Pinterest Theme: Best Wp Pinterest Clone themes - Beautiful Pin Style Template

2013-08-14 1,110 Dailymotion

Wordpress Pinterest Theme:
Go Here: http://secureclix.com/Pinterest-WP-Theme
Get this Awsome Wordpress Theme that will make
your website look the same as pinterest
Making your site looks and feel like Pinterest and feeding off their traffic does make a lot of sense!
As you know we do most of our stuff on WordPress - so we naturally set out to create a theme that would do just that.
I used the theme to set up a site with funny images, jokes, internet memes and that sort of stuff
(but you can really use this for any niche).
When you're using the wordpress pinterest theme your blog will look, feel and work just like Pinterest, complete with:
Grid style post layout
Automatic loading of more posts when scrolling
The yellow "nag bar" (a widget area you can put anything in, or turn off completely)
Your categories and pages as your navigation menu (just like on Pinterest).
And even though Pinterest doesn't do it, we have added the option to use a side bar on the front page
We have built in the ability to customize a lot of things, with just a few mouse clicks...
Upload your own logo in the header (or just use your WP title and tagline)
Add custom default images for posts that don't have one.
Turn the widget ready yellow "nag bar" on/off for home page and/or individual posts
Change the background color of the theme
Turn the widget ready sidebar on/off for the front page (have it on the left or right)
Use a widget ready left or right side bar (or both) on individual posts and pages
Show post title, excerpts, full post on the front page
Show comment count and comments on the front page (exactly like Pinterest does it)
Disclaimer: Compensation will be made when you purchase this theme from here:
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Wordpress Pinterest Theme