

2013-08-09 6 Dailymotion

Smart Stone Systems offers the beauty of Eco Smart Stone and Tech Stone cladding Veneers. Easy to install, super lightweight and insulated for thermal comfort. Wall stone made simple. Natural stone. travertine, slate, sandstone, limestone and basalt in a range of stunning finishes. Perfect for new buildings and retrofit of older homes. Great for fibro retrofit as n need to remove old asbestos sheeting to obtain the necessary Thermal R- rating. Save real money (thousands) without certified fibro sheet removal costs. Eco Smart Stone is surprisingly affordable with many styles sure to please the most fastidious of home decorators. DIY friendly for those with moderate skills. Mechanical dry hang installation so say goodbye the wet mortar mixes and the mess. Large format stone panels for fast installations. Contemporary stone styles with modern stone finishing. You can enjoy the beauty of a stone wall home for a lot less than you think. Lightweight insulated stone panels are very easy to handle for any stone wall construction. Stone walling for fences and retaining walls made simple. Find out today how your can use Eco Smart Stone to create a charming stone walled home.Stone walling veneer and stone wall cladding that is lightweight and easy to use. Smart Stone Systems make it all too simple. Lovely Ashlar stone veneer and stone claddings. Real stone made to last. Environmental & GREEN sustainable stone wall cladding and stone veneer.