
21 Icons : FW de Klerk : Promo

2013-08-08 22 Dailymotion

The promo for a short film showing on Sunday, Aug 4 2013, on SABC 3 at 18:57.

The second in a series of short films celebrating 21 of South Africa's most iconic men and women, showing on SABC 3 as well as online.

Portrait photographer, Adrian Steirn, meets FW de Klerk at a remote destination and convinces him to pose for a photograph that is not of his nature. In the making of a portrait we meet the man and share in the anecdotes that lead to freeing of a nation.

Icon portraits, short films and profiles: http://www.21icons.com/
21 Icons YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/21Icons/videos
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