Reduce Clutter
Clutter is a big drain on mental, physical and emotional energy.
Clutter is those things you never use, do not really need, do not like, are broken or a poor fit, to name just a few examples.
Make that clutter a priority. Like many goals in life, you have to schedule time to achieve them.
Set aside time each week to tackle the clutter in your environment and in your life.
Eat Your Frog!
Is there anything you have been putting off doing?
How do you feel when you think about it?
Procrastination has a high cost.
It robs you of vital energy and can produce feelings of guilt.
Take a day in which you can do things by yourself.
Take yourself out to a movie, go to a museum or art gallery, or do something you've always wanted to do but never made time for. In doing so, you'll be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone.
What would you do?