

2013-08-05 9 Dailymotion

I apologize for the quality, I was deliriously tired when I made this, but everything is still 100% true :D All of the reasons/ the story of how/ why I decided to start vlogging. I originally wanted to start making vdeos on YouTube back when I was in middle school, but being in middle school, it was an awkward time for me (Wasn't it for everyone?). Either way, I have always had this deep desire to make (funny?) videos on YouTube, and I'm glad I can finally be able to do that!! This a very generic of me for a topic, but I think it had to happen sometime :) I was deliriously tired when I made this, so if that's what you're thinking, you are correct :) Thank you so much for watching, and don't be afraid to ask any questions/ comment any comments in the comment section below!!
Please subscribe, like, favorite, and share if you enjoyed, it really helps me out!! :D
Here's my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SweetPoTaylrPie
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! https://twitter.com/SweetPoTaylrPie