
4- Tajweed ul Quran Correct pronunciation of Fatha Kasra Dhumma (Pronouncing the Short Vowels) -

2013-08-04 4 Dailymotion

Learn Quran Online with Tajweed
(free learning series)

Learn Quran online is one of the projects of E quran learn­ing where it is com­mit­ted to spread Quran knowl­edge to ben­e­fit those peo­ple around the world who face dif­fi­cul­ties in reach­ing masjid reg­u­larly to learn quran. It is now pos­si­ble to learn quran, read quran and under­stand quran online just by sit­ting at home. Learn Quran online pro­gram is based on advanced tech­nol­ogy through inter­net which involves no trav­el­ling, fully secured, time sav­ing, for all fam­ily mem­bers of any age.