
THE FUTURIST-SYNTHETIC THEATRE - "Das futuristische synthetische Theater" OTTAKRING

2013-07-24 1 Dailymotion

Actors move from place to place and play for people safely surprising drama. Hundreds of thousands of people daily use the underground stations, which are also a place of communication. The actors go from station to station as every passenger as well. They are nothing more than passengers, they remain invisible as actors. But at the stations they change in few seconds a place for their theatre performance. In a few seconds they have changed from invisible actors to performing actors. For the minutes of the performances they are actors and the people passing by are changing into a certainly surprised audience.
"The Futurist Synthetic Theatre "is one of the great pamphlets in arts of the 20th century.

Unsichtbares und sichtbares Theater mit den Schauspielern Werner Mössler und Markus Rupert. Sie ziehen von Ort zu Ort spielen für die Passanten sicher überraschend Theater. Für viele Passanten wird dies die erste Begegnung mit der Österreichischen Gebärdensprache sein. „Das futuristische synthetische Theater" gehört zu den großen Pamphleten der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts

Gespielt von Werner Mössler und Markus Rupert und inszeniert von Herbert Gantschacher.
Performed by Werner Mössler and Markus Rupert. Directed by Herbert Gantschacher