
Arizona Breweries Unite to Create Special Beer for Fallen Firefighters

2013-07-23 22 Dailymotion

Breweries in Arizona have recently united for a heartwarming cause. The companies are working together to create a special brew which will honor 19 fallen firefighters who lost their lives in Yarnell, Arizona.

It is always heartwarming to see when people come together for a noble cause.

Breweries in Arizona have recently united for a great cause. The companies are working together to create a special brew in honor of 19 fallen firefighters who lost their lives in Yarnell, Arizona.

In total 35 breweries have joined forces with the ultimate goal of helping the families of the deceased heroes. Joe Thurston was only one of the firefighters who lost his life. He worked part time at the fire station, but he was also employed at the Prescott Brewing Company for 6 years.

The decision to craft the special beer was initially made in his honor, but as more companies expressed interest in the campaign, it became an idea to include all of the lives lost in a tragic fire. The beer will be called Heroes 19.

An Arizona Brewers Guild authority stated “It's not a beer they're going to chug. It's going to mean something when they drink that beer. One of the brewers added, “We've done collaboration brews in the past. This one has a little more meaning to it.”