
Sunrise city apartment for rent district ho chi minh city

2013-07-20 19 Dailymotion

call 0977771919 and 0938179199, and 08.2235.9999
sunrise city apartment rentals
Sunrise City Apartment for rent fully furnished, furnished, includes 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room and kitchen ...
Apartment area: 99m2 - 102m2 - 106m2 - 114m2
Rental Price: 900-1000 USD
A special feature is the Sunrise City with the superior service that is not project also like: child care, care of elderly, family physicians, clinics high, banks ...
Besides, Sunrise city apartments do not lack basic amenities such as landscaped park, supermarket, food court, swimming pool, children's playground, tennis court, indoor golf practice room, gym fitness, spa ...