
BCBG OOTD/OOTN Funky Retro 80s

2013-07-05 109 Dailymotion

Please watch in 1080p OR 720p for a better rendition. Find the "Quality" button by holding the mouse over the video, near the Youtube logo, you will find a sort of wheel icon.

******I NEED LOVE, GIRL!******

My Blog: http://bit.ly/MmeSSK
My Facebook: http://on.fb.me/NMLk2E
My Instagram: marleneaymone
My Twitter: @marleneaymone
My Fashiolista: http://bit.ly/MtIGwM
For business inquiries: [email protected]
My hair website: http://bit.ly/MzY4ni
My Beautylish: http://bit.ly/NDVnCg


My current hair is 4 bundles of Malaysian curly in length 24".

To see how I dyed, ombre'ed, and colored this hair please click on this link: http://bit.ly/NEuRJF

Contact me if you are interested.at [email protected]

My Intro

My intro was designed by Joel of introchamp. If you would like to look at his portfolio, please click on this link http://bit.ly/RuxTp9

Channels I recommend that you visit because for the month of September, you will not be disappointed. I promised. So please subscribe to these ladies, ASAP, and tell them I sent you. Also sign up for e-mail notification for their uploads.

1. April (Muffinsismylovers2012): http://bit.ly/RuzfQE
2. Nina (MuchloveKY): http://bit.ly/Q4sxjk
3. Dolapo (SongBirdDiva4Life): http://bit.ly/PA0cxs
4. Maureen (oromaoroma1):http://bit.ly/O6cQ8z
5. Enibaby4: http://bit.ly/Nzi6Gq
6. MuchlovefromKY: http://bit.ly/SBn0OJ
7. MsRoshPosh: http://bit.ly/UoN9Vf
8. JazzyJujuBee: http://bit.ly/Pqu2HJ