
Occult Rituals, Indian Burial Ground, Malicious Spirits at Higbee Beach, NJ

2013-07-01 3 Dailymotion

http://imgur.com/a/ePo65 ---Original Photos

http://youtu.be/eC3Zavj_WpQ?t=6m41s ---Skip to Wierd Stuff


i found some more information on the ghost stories on this page: http://www.craigmcmanus.com/20110901.htm

the area of cape may new jersey has many old victorian type hotels and businesses so it is a hotbed of documented paranormal activity. many reports of sightings and hearing things, seeing things move, etc... this particular spot is a reported native american indian burial ground, loaded with arrowheads and a few reported grave sites. there is an abandoned old church hidden in the woods near davey's lake... (manmade freshwater lake) with many reported sightings of a man in a black coat near the ocean or in the many trails through the extensive wooded areas. this is the ghost of thomas higbee, former owner of the area slave plantation. he is commonly seen after you have approached his former grave in the graveyard of the old cemetary. (his grave was excavated about a decade ago) some believe he is a restless spirit because he built a plantation, church and graveyard there in an effort to keep his family from selling the land. (which they did anyway, this could be part of why the spirits are not happy) sometimes reportedly with a large dog or chasing a former slave through the trails. he was a slave owner and this again, was a dark area of history so these ghosts are reported to be malicious spirits.

Comments from reddit, describing items from the area:

23 is a number holy to Discordians and represents the the Law of 5's (2+3=5) which is one of the main philosophies of Discordianism.

93 is the gematric shorthand for Aleister Crowley's maxim "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love Under Will." It used to greet fellow Thelemites (Thelema is the occult religion founded by Crowley).

The All-Seeing Eye is a common symbol among conspiracy-tinged occult circles but it's modern origins can be found in Masonic symbolism as the "Eye of the Architect". Robert Anton Wilson uses it extensively in his Illuminatus! Trilogy which has much cross-over appeal between Discordians and occultists due to it's combination of themes from both.

Guys, look at the comments OP is leaving. I feel like this is a creepypasta in the making. Like we're watching the live version of it. OP's gonna get straight up haunted.

The number 93 and to a lesser extent 23 are connected to Thelema, an occult religion founded by Aleister Crowley. The eye in the triangle is also a common occult symbol.

The 23/93 means it is probably chaos magick using Thelemic elements.

Obviously there are some symbols here to work with. Stone and Water, offerings, boundaries..altar...snake. But what do they culminate in? No clue.