
GOD is Speaking to THIS Generation!... Are YOU Listening?

2013-06-27 89 Dailymotion

Hear the Voice of The Almighty! (Excerpts from TrumpetCallofGodOnline.com)

Excerpt 1: http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=I_Am_Risen_Up%2C_As_a_Mighty_and_Terrible_One

Excerpt 2: http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=The_Voice_of_The_Almighty_God

TAGS: Prophecy, modern Scripture, Word of God, Thus says The Lord, judgment, Day of The Lord, destruction, calamity, seals, bowls, trumpets, Letters from God, Voice of God, anger, wrath, recompense, warning, alarm, shofar, trumpet, Revelation, prophet, Timothy, seven, plague, earthquake, storms, collapse, wickedness, wicked, sin, death, salvation, Jesus, YahuShua, Christ, Messiah, coming of The Lord, second coming, rapture, redemption