
Cod4 Infection Tutorial - How to play Infection (rules & settings)

2013-06-14 44 Dailymotion

So here's all the rules for how to play infection since so many ppl have been asking :)

Settings to change:

Team Deathmatch
Unlimited score & time (time can be taken to 10 minutes if you want to give the survivors a chance to win)
Old School Mode: Enabled
Allow Air Support: Disabled
Max Health: Half (Can be taken to miniscule if you play shipment)

1 person starts as infected, the rest of the players are survivors. Infected choose one team, the survivors choose the other one.
The infected can only knife, their objective is to kill all survivors.
The survivors objective is to stay alive for as long as possible.
Survivors can use both shotguns, all pistols and all snipers. Grenades and special grenades are not allowed.
Once the game starts, the survivors aren't allowed to kill the infected until there are 4 infected, so before that you have to run away from them.
If you get knifed as an infected you become infected and switch team.
Glitching is not allowed, except for the infected. Camping is allowed but try not to camp so early in the game, once the majority of the players are infected it's more welcome, otherwise it gets too hard for the infected.
All deaths make you infected, even suicides. If you should die by someone cheating, for example the infected shooting you, it doesn't count and you don't have to switch team.
Once everyone has become infected the round is over and you can start a new game.

Hope you like this custom game mode thing :D Thanks for watching!

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